Almond Housing


Looking after the grass, shrubs and hedges in Livingston and surrounding towns for Almond Housing Association means that tenants and public live in a well-kept, tidy and attractive environment.

Information on our three cutting rounds and an update on progress can be accessed using the links on Grass Routes page.

In winter we undertake a programme of path edging and shrub pruning works. Hedge cutting is undertaken in July and October.
Almond Housing Grounds Maintenance

Looking after the grass, shrubs and hedges in Livingston and surrounding towns for Almond Housing Association means that tenants and the public live in a well-kept, tidy and attractive environment.

Information on our three cutting rounds and an update on progress can be accessed using the links on the grass routes page. In winter we undertake a programme of path edging and shrub pruning works. Hedge cutting is undertaken in July and October.
Almond Housing Grass Routes
Almond Housing

Please enter your location or street in Search box to find the date of last and next visit.


Please enter your location or street in Search box to find the date of last and next visit.
LocationDate of last visitDate of next visit
Inglewood Street30/10/2023Apr-24
Victoria street30/10/2023Apr-24
Hobart Street30/10/2023Apr-24
Sydney Street30/10/2023Apr-24
Adelaide Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Shiel Walk31/10/2023Apr-24
Katherine Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Melbourne Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Onslow Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Brisbane Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Darwin Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Freemantle Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Exmouth Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Canberra Street31/10/2023Apr-24
Pine Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Elm Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Chestnut Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Beech Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Ash Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Lime Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Holly Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Linden Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Juniper Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Hazel Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Fir Grove01/11/2023Apr-24
Rowan Grove02/11/2023Apr-24
Poplar Grove02/11/2023Apr-24
Maple Grove02/11/2023Apr-24
Oak Grove02/11/2023Apr-24
Laurel Grove03/11/2023Apr-24
Spruce Grove03/11/2023Apr-24
Yew Grove03/11/2023Apr-24
Willow Grove03/11/2023Apr-24
Ettrick Drive23/10/2023Apr-24
Don Drive23/10/2023Apr-24
Forth Drive23/10/2023Apr-24
Stevenson court23/10/2023Apr-24
Carlyle Court23/10/2023Apr-24
Burns Court23/10/2023Apr-24
Barrie Court23/10/2023Apr-24
Ramsay Court23/10/2023Apr-24
Scott Court23/10/2023Apr-24
Dee Drive24/10/2023Apr-24
Eden Drive24/10/2023Apr-24
Esk drive24/10/2023Apr-24
Clyde Drive24/10/2023Apr-24
Tweed Drive24/10/2023Apr-24
Beauly Drive24/10/2023Apr-24
Spey Drive24/10/2023Apr-24
Torridon Walk24/10/2023Apr-24
Garry Walk24/10/2023Apr-24
Shiel Walk 224/10/2023Apr-24
Morlich Walk25/10/2023Apr-24
Leven Walk25/10/2023Apr-24
Rannoch Walk25/10/2023Apr-24
Tay Walk25/10/2023Apr-24
Broom Walk25/10/2023Apr-24
Doon Walk25/10/2023Apr-24
Etive Walk25/10/2023Apr-24
Carron Walk26/10/2023Apr-24
Pentland Park26/10/2023Apr-24
Corston Park26/10/2023Apr-24
Selm Park26/10/2023Apr-24
Huron Avenue27/10/2023Apr-24
Manitoba Avenue27/10/2023Apr-24
Granby Avenue27/10/2023Apr-24
Nelson Avenue27/10/2023Apr-24
Labrador Avenue27/10/2023Apr-24
Quebec Avenue27/10/2023Apr-24
Vancouver Avenue27/10/2023Apr-24
Toronto Avenue27/10/2023Apr-24
Howley Avenue30/10/2023Apr-24
Bancroft Avenue30/10/2023Apr-24
Alberta Avenue30/10/2023Apr-24
Dawson Avenue30/10/2023Apr-24
Calgary Avenue30/10/2023Apr-24
Edmonton Avenue30/10/2023Apr-24
Fergus Avenue30/10/2023Apr-24
Kestrel Brae31/10/2023Apr-24
St. Enochs01/11/2023Apr-24
Carmondean Centre South Road02/11/2023Apr-24
Linnet Brae31/10/2023Apr-24
Redwing Brae31/10/2023Apr-24
Kingfisher Brae31/10/2023Apr-24
Plover Brae01/11/2023Apr-24
Mallard Brae01/11/2023Apr-24
Dunlin Brae01/11/2023Apr-24
Rosehill Place01/11/2023Apr-24
Broadfaulds Crescent25/10/2023Apr-24
Whitdalehead Road25/10/2023Apr-24
Whitdalehead Place25/10/2023Apr-24
Whitdalehead Court25/10/2023Apr-24
Please note these dates may be affected by adverse weather conditions
Almond Housing Hedging Routes
Almond Housing

Please enter your location or street in Search box to find the date of last and next visit.


Please enter your location or street in Search box to find the date of last and next visit.
LocationDate of last visitDate of next visit
Inglewood StreetAug-23Feb-24
Victoria streetAug-23Feb-24
Hobart StreetAug-23Feb-24
Sydney StreetAug-23Feb-24
Adelaide StreetAug-23Feb-24
Shiel WalkAug-23Feb-24
Katherine StreetAug-23Feb-24
Melbourne StreetAug-23Feb-24
Onslow StreetAug-23Feb-24
Brisbane StreetAug-23Feb-24
Darwin StreetAug-23Feb-24
Freemantle StreetAug-23Feb-24
Exmouth StreetAug-23Feb-24
Canberra StreetAug-23Feb-24
Pine GroveAug-23Feb-24
Elm GroveAug-23Feb-24
Chestnut GroveAug-23Feb-24
Beech GroveAug-23Feb-24
Ash GroveAug-23Feb-24
Lime GroveAug-23Feb-24
Holly GroveAug-23Feb-24
Linden GroveAug-23Feb-24
Juniper GroveAug-23Feb-24
Hazel GroveAug-23Feb-24
Fir GroveAug-23Feb-24
Rowan GroveAug-23Feb-24
Poplar GroveAug-23Feb-24
Maple GroveAug-23Feb-24
Oak GroveAug-23Feb-24
Spruce GroveAug-23Feb-24
Yew GroveAug-23Feb-24
Willow GroveAug-23Feb-24
Ettrick DriveAug-23Feb-24
Don DriveAug-23Feb-24
Forth DriveAug-23Feb-24
Stevenson courtAug-23Feb-24
Carlyle CourtAug-23Feb-24
Burns CourtAug-23Feb-24
Barrie CourtAug-23Feb-24
Ramsay CourtAug-23Feb-24
Scott CourtAug-23Feb-24
Dee DriveAug-23Feb-24
Eden DriveAug-23Feb-24
Esk driveAug-23Feb-24
Clyde DriveAug-23Feb-24
Tweed DriveAug-23Feb-24
Beauly DriveAug-23Feb-24
Spey DriveAug-23Feb-24
Torridon WalkAug-23Feb-24
Garry WalkAug-23Feb-24
Shiel Walk 2Aug-23Feb-24
Morlich WalkAug-23Feb-24
Leven WalkAug-23Feb-24
Rannoch WalkAug-23Feb-24
Tay WalkAug-23Feb-24
Broom WalkAug-23Feb-24
Doon WalkAug-23Feb-24
Ettive WalkAug-23Feb-24
Carron WalkAug-23Feb-24
Pentland ParkAug-23Feb-24
Corston ParkAug-23Feb-24
Selm ParkAug-23Feb-24
Huron AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Manitoba AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Granby AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Nelson AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Labrador AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Quebec AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Vancouver AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Toronto AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Howley AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Bancroft AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Alberta AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Dawson AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Calgary AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Edmonton AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Fergus AvenueAug-23Feb-24
Kestrel BraeAug-23Feb-24
St. EnochsAug-23Feb-24
Linnet BraeAug-23Feb-24
Redwing BraeAug-23Feb-24
Kinfisher BraeAug-23Feb-24
Plover BraeAug-23Feb-24
Mallard BraeAug-23Feb-24
Dunlin BraeAug-23Feb-24
Rosehill PlaceAug-23Feb-24
Broadfaulds CrescentAug-23Feb-24
Whitdalehead RoadAug-23Feb-24
Almond Housing Herbicide Routes

Almond Housing

Please enter your location or street in Search box to find the date of last and next visit.


Please enter your location or street in Search box to find the date of last and next visit.
LocationDate of last visitDate of next visit
Inglewood StreetSep-23Apr-24
Victoria streetSep-23Apr-24
Hobart StreetSep-23Apr-24
Sydney StreetSep-23Apr-24
Adelaide StreetSep-23Apr-24
Shiel WalkSep-23Apr-24
Katherine StreetSep-23Apr-24
Melbourne StreetSep-23Apr-24
Onslow StreetSep-23Apr-24
Brisbane StreetSep-23Apr-24
Darwin StreetSep-23Apr-24
Freemantle StreetSep-23Apr-24
Exmouth StreetSep-23Apr-24
Canberra StreetSep-23Apr-24
Pine GroveSep-23Apr-24
Elm GroveSep-23Apr-24
Chestnut GroveSep-23Apr-24
Beech GroveSep-23Apr-24
Ash GroveSep-23Apr-24
Lime GroveSep-23Apr-24
Holly GroveSep-23Apr-24
Linden GroveSep-23Apr-24
Juniper GroveSep-23Apr-24
Hazel GroveSep-23Apr-24
Fir GroveSep-23Apr-24
Rowan GroveSep-23Apr-24
Poplar GroveSep-23Apr-24
Maple GroveSep-23Apr-24
Oak GroveSep-23Apr-24
Spruce GroveSep-23Apr-24
Yew GroveSep-23Apr-24
Willow GroveSep-23Apr-24
Ettrick DriveSep-23Apr-24
Don DriveSep-23Apr-24
Forth DriveSep-23Apr-24
Stevenson courtSep-23Apr-24
Carlyle CourtSep-23Apr-24
Burns CourtSep-23Apr-24
Barrie CourtSep-23Apr-24
Ramsay CourtSep-23Apr-24
Scott CourtSep-23Apr-24
Dee DriveSep-23Apr-24
Eden DriveSep-23Apr-24
Esk driveSep-23Apr-24
Clyde DriveSep-23Apr-24
Tweed DriveSep-23Apr-24
Beauly DriveSep-23Apr-24
Spey DriveSep-23Apr-24
Torridon WalkSep-23Apr-24
Garry WalkSep-23Apr-24
Shiel Walk 2Sep-23Apr-24
Morlich WalkSep-23Apr-24
Leven WalkSep-23Apr-24
Rannoch WalkSep-23Apr-24
Tay WalkSep-23Apr-24
Broom WalkSep-23Apr-24
Doon WalkSep-23Apr-24
Ettive WalkSep-23Apr-24
Carron WalkSep-23Apr-24
Pentland ParkSep-23Apr-24
Corston ParkSep-23Apr-24
Selm ParkSep-23Apr-24
Huron AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Manitoba AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Granby AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Nelson AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Labrador AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Quebec AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Vancouver AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Toronto AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Howley AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Bancroft AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Alberta AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Dawson AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Calgary AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Edmonton AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Fergus AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Kestrel BraeSep-23Apr-24
St. EnochsSep-23Apr-24
Linnet BraeSep-23Apr-24
Redwing BraeSep-23Apr-24
Kinfisher BraeSep-23Apr-24
Plover BraeSep-23Apr-24
Mallard BraeSep-23Apr-24
Dunlin BraeSep-23Apr-24
Rosehill PlaceSep-23Apr-24
Broadfaulds CrescentSep-23Apr-24
Whitdalehead RoadSep-23Apr-24
Almond Housing Shrub Pruning
Almond Housing

Please enter your location or street in Search box to find the date of last and next visit.


Please enter your location or street in Search box to find the date of last and next visit.
LocationDate of last visitDate of next visit
Inglewood StreetSep-23Apr-24
Victoria streetSep-23Apr-24
Hobart StreetSep-23Apr-24
Sydney StreetSep-23Apr-24
Adelaide StreetSep-23Apr-24
Shiel WalkSep-23Apr-24
Katherine StreetSep-23Apr-24
Melbourne StreetSep-23Apr-24
Onslow StreetSep-23Apr-24
Brisbane StreetSep-23Apr-24
Darwin StreetSep-23Apr-24
Freemantle StreetSep-23Apr-24
Exmouth StreetSep-23Apr-24
Canberra StreetSep-23Apr-24
Pine GroveSep-23Apr-24
Elm GroveSep-23Apr-24
Chestnut GroveSep-23Apr-24
Beech GroveSep-23Apr-24
Ash GroveSep-23Apr-24
Lime GroveSep-23Apr-24
Holly GroveSep-23Apr-24
Linden GroveSep-23Apr-24
Juniper GroveSep-23Apr-24
Hazel GroveSep-23Apr-24
Fir GroveSep-23Apr-24
Rowan GroveSep-23Apr-24
Poplar GroveSep-23Apr-24
Maple GroveSep-23Apr-24
Oak GroveSep-23Apr-24
Spruce GroveSep-23Apr-24
Yew GroveSep-23Apr-24
Willow GroveSep-23Apr-24
Ettrick DriveSep-23Apr-24
Don DriveSep-23Apr-24
Forth DriveSep-23Apr-24
Stevenson courtSep-23Apr-24
Carlyle CourtSep-23Apr-24
Burns CourtSep-23Apr-24
Barrie CourtSep-23Apr-24
Ramsay CourtSep-23Apr-24
Scott CourtSep-23Apr-24
Dee DriveSep-23Apr-24
Eden DriveSep-23Apr-24
Esk driveSep-23Apr-24
Clyde DriveSep-23Apr-24
Tweed DriveSep-23Apr-24
Beauly DriveSep-23Apr-24
Spey DriveSep-23Apr-24
Torridon WalkSep-23Apr-24
Garry WalkSep-23Apr-24
Shiel Walk 2Sep-23Apr-24
Morlich WalkSep-23Apr-24
Leven WalkSep-23Apr-24
Rannoch WalkSep-23Apr-24
Tay WalkSep-23Apr-24
Broom WalkSep-23Apr-24
Doon WalkSep-23Apr-24
Ettive WalkSep-23Apr-24
Carron WalkSep-23Apr-24
Pentland ParkSep-23Apr-24
Corston ParkSep-23Apr-24
Selm ParkSep-23Apr-24
Huron AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Manitoba AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Granby AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Nelson AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Labrador AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Quebec AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Vancouver AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Toronto AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Howley AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Bancroft AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Alberta AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Dawson AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Calgary AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Edmonton AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Fergus AvenueSep-23Apr-24
Kestrel BraeSep-23Apr-24
St. EnochsSep-23Apr-24
Linnet BraeSep-23Apr-24
Redwing BraeSep-23Apr-24
Kinfisher BraeSep-23Apr-24
Plover BraeSep-23Apr-24
Mallard BraeSep-23Apr-24
Dunlin BraeSep-23Apr-24
Rosehill PlaceSep-23Apr-24
Broadfaulds CrescentSep-23Apr-24
Whitdalehead RoadSep-23Apr-24

Who We
Work With